Decision Making: From the Neural Basis of Our Preferences to the Neural Mechanisms of our Errors
There is now compelling evidence that neuroeconomists have identified the biological signature of preference. Brain activity in the ventral striatum and the medial prefrontal cortex appears to be the physical instantiation of the mental process of liking and disliking for everything from consumer goods to leisure activities. Glimcher will present evidence that activity in these brain areas can now be used econometrically to predict choice. Standard neurobiological models of network convergence can be combined with these measurements to take these insights a step further--allowing both for the accurate prediction of new classes of choice errors at a behavioral level and for the development of choice procedures to minimize those errors. These are examples of how economics and neuroscience are being drawn together so we come to understand the nature of human decision-making at the levels of economics, psychology, and neuroscience.
Neuroeconomics at NYU
Druckenmiller Neuroscience Symposia
Paul Glimcher Presents at Nobel Conference 47
Paul Glimcher presents a talk at Georgetown University: “The Neurobiological Mechanisms of Economic Choice”
[June 2014] Explainer: neuroeconomics, where science and economics meet, an article featuring Paul Gimcher explaining the neuroeconomic view of "Opening the Black Box" on his recent trip to Australia [listen]
Neuroeconomics and the answer to the ‘curse of choice’, an article featuring a Q&A with Paul Glimcher on his recent trip to Australia [listen]
[January 2012] The Deciding Mind, a radio show on WGXC, 90.7 FM, features an interview with Paul Glimcher [listen]
[June 2009] Paul Glimcher talks on WNYC Radio Lab: "Are we Coins?". [listen]
Paul Glimcher appears on BBC 4 radio feature titled "Money on the Brain" [listen]
[November 2014] A study on risk attitudes was featured in the article “So You Think You’re a Risk-Taker?” in the Wall Street Journal by Jason Zweig
[March 2013] Paul Glimcher is highlighted in the Business Times- Singapore in the article "Spotlight on Neuroeconomics" by Anna Teo
[March 2013] Paul Glimcher is quoted in Time article “Stocking Up. Why mutual-fund money is flooding into equities-three years late.”
[October 2012] Post doctoral fellow Agnieszka Tymula, PhD featured in Time Magazine online article titled "Why the Teen Brain is Drawn to Risk" [read]
[November 2011] Paul Glimcher featured in article by Yale University economist Robert J. Schiller, titled "The Neuroeconomics Revolution" [read]
[November 2011] Paul Glimcher featured in article in Dana Foundation Blog article titled "Will Neuroeconomics Help Predict the Economy?" [read]
[November 2010] Press release featuring Paul Glimcher's latest book appears in the NYU newspaper: “NYU's Glimcher Offers Multi-Disciplinary Solution to Understanding Decision-Making Process in New Book” [read]
[March 2010] Steven Hall's book “Wisdom” discusses Paul Glimcher and his work in chapter 5.
[October 2009] A high-profile German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (literally translated as Frankfurt General Newspaper) has featured an article about Neuroeconomics, specifically highlighting the research of CNE faculty Liz Phelps and Paul Glimcher.
Article in Newsweek